Since digital transformation is dismantling all established life conventions, it is a journey without a known end point. The motivations and threats of the fourth industrial revolution are entirely different from those of the previous one.
A maturity compass is necessary for the transformation journey, as it helps to bring clarity and risk assurance to the process by coordinating the points of the current business (the origin) and the future business (the destination).
Industry 4.0, which is driven by digital technologies, is what we live in today. We have come to this point thanks to the first two industries—steam and locomotion—the second—telecom and film, and the third—internet and e-commerce.
Our current understanding of life and business is disintegrating, and in order to comprehend and adapt to the future, we must reach a new level of maturity. Every business is likewise forced by the coronavirus epidemic to review how its five pillars—Enterprise Strategic Operations, Leadership, Culture, Resilience, and Skills—combine to form a new global standard that not only fights recessions but also accelerates growth.
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